Attic Insulation May Be All You Need to Go Green

Attic Insulation May Be All You Need to Go Green

Making your home more energy efficient will save you money and keep your carbon footprint light. But where do you start? For the typical Cobb County homeowner, the perfect launch point is the attic. For all the costly upgrades you could make in HVAC equipment and smart thermostats, adding some attic insulation may be the greenest, most affordable move you can make.

Cut Heating and Cooling Costs

According to the Department of Energy, a home's attic has the biggest potential for energy savings of any improvement project you can make. You begin by having a roofing contractor seal any air leaks in the attic and then have work done to upgrade the insulation. By keeping conditioned air out of the attic with insulation on the floor, you avoid heating and cooling an unused room.

Overall, improved insulation can add savings between 10 and 50 percent on your heating bill, with a similar impact on cooling bills. Energy used by HVAC systems goes farther to make your home comfortable, and the system doesn't have to work as hard when your home is free of air leaks and properly insulated. While you enjoy better climate control around the house, you can be happy about making your lifestyle greener.

Signs You Need More Attic Insulation

There are several signals that should alert you to the need for better insulation at home. The most obvious is having hot and cold spots throughout your home. In central air systems, poorly insulated attics can force your HVAC system to work nonstop without shutting off for normal cycles. This type of operation shows your system's energy is not being used properly.

Ice dams on the roof in winter are another telltale sign. Finally, a higher energy bill makes it obvious that your home is not operating up to par. Before you consider costly upgrades to different areas of your home, start with better insulation in the attic. When handled right by an experienced roofing contractor, it is the affordable solution to energy savings and the easiest way to green your home.

Attic insulation upgrades may be the one and only move you need to go green. Contact Findlay Roofing to find out how you can create a greener home without spending a fortune on home improvement.

Image source: Flickr

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