Climate change. No matter what you think about it, you’ve likely heard a wide range of opinions on the subject. Climate change impacts the planet we live on in a multitude of ways. Surprisingly, it even affects your home’s gutters. Yes, we said gutters. Because climate change impacts the water cycle, it creates significant fluctuations between times where we experience heavy rains and drought. It’s the heavy rain periods that impact gutters the most. Keep reading to learn more.

Climate Change Means More Rain
Over the last several years, we’ve seen a growth in extreme weather patterns-more heavy rains, more widespread flooding, and more severe hurricanes with less time in between storms. When you have heavier rains, you also deal with heavy water saturation and potential damage to your property. The job of your gutters is to protect your home from the effect of heavy rains. If your gutters are outdated or in disrepair, they may overflow-and you know where all that water goes!
Heavy Rains and Gutter Clogs
If you’ve ever looked at your street after a downpour, you’ve seen all kinds of debris floating in the gutters. Sometimes you may even see a complete backup of trash, leaves, and tree branches. Street gutters aren’t the only place where debris accumulates. Heavy and prolonged rainfall can cause debris to collect in your home’s gutters too. The debris usually gets caught around the gutter edges or downspouts. Since the water can’t continue down the downspout and away from the house, it dumps out over the gutter. Now, it’s in the path of your foundation.
Climate Change and Rusty Gutters
One obvious impact of heavy rains and then stretches of drought, is rust and corrosion. If you have outdated gutters, they may be more susceptible to the elements. Modern gutters are constructed from materials that resist rust and corrosion. You may not even realize you have rusty gutters since most rust happens on the inside. That’s a good incentive to climb a ladder and take a look! If you’re not sure what your gutters are made of, call your local roofing contractor. They can not only identify your gutter materials, but they can also show you how to prevent rust and corrosion in the first place.
Water Is Heavy
When you’re bathing or swimming in it, water may not seem heavy. If it accumulates in your gutters, it creates a much heavier mass than most gutters can bear. Remember, the reason you have gutters is for movement of water, not storage. If the water from heavy rains can’t move through the gutter system, it sits in one area and may cause the gutter to break. The breakage may not be the gutter itself, but the weight could cause screws to come loose, resulting in dismounting of gutter pieces.
Good News for Gutters
No one should sit around dreading the impacts of climate change on gutter systems. Homeowners have options that can prolong the life of their current system. Routine gutter cleanout is one proactive step you can take. It’s the most cost-effective too option! Also, make sure downspouts direct water far enough away from your home, which may mean you need to move or extend your downspouts. Sometimes adding more downspouts helps as well. Finally, you can install wider gutters that can accommodate heavier rainfall.
If you’re concerned about climate change and would like a professional evaluation of your gutter system or have other roofing needs, contact Findlay Roofing at 770-516-5806. We’ll get a member of our team out to look at your home as soon as possible.