One of the hardest parts of installing a new roof is deciding on the roofing material. If you're in the market for a new roof, you probably have questions about the best materials in terms of price and longevity. Hop in your car and drive around any neighborhood and what do you see? You see that the majority of roofs are asphalt shingle roofs. That doesn't mean that this is the right choice for your home's roof. Before you settle on the materials, take into consideration the following differences between asphalt shingles and tile roofs.
Climate Considerations
Do you live in a climate that experiences severe weather? Will your roof need to contend with high winds or freezing temperatures? Asphalt shingles are a budget-friendly roofing material, but they don't stand up to Mother Nature very well. It doesn't take much wind or sun exposure to warp and break asphalt shingles. Concrete tiles fare much better in extreme climates. They don't absorb heat, pass Grade-1 freeze-thaw requirements, and have been known to withstand winds up to 180 mph.
If you're looking for a roof that's going to last a lifetime, don't buy asphalt shingles. Although shingles cost less upfront, they're susceptible to damage that puts the average lifespan of shingles around 10 - 20 years. Concrete roof tiles resist seasonal weather conditions that affect asphalt shingles and are known to last indefinitely.
Often, roof replacement is an unexpected expense. If you weren't planning on replacing your roof and you're faced with this need, consider your budget. Homeowners with a tight budget find that asphalt shingles are much more affordable than concrete tiles.
Energy Usage
Are you tired of spending a fortune on heating and cooling costs throughout the year? Before you decide to replace your HVAC system, look upwards to your roof. Did you know that in the winter your home loses the most heat through its roof? During the winter this means that you're spending more money to heat your home. In the summer, heat builds in the attic and makes it harder to cool your home.
So, how does your roofing material help counteract these problems? For starters, the majority of asphalt shingles aren't solar reflective. This means that the shingles absorb heat instead of reflecting it. Concrete roof tiles are made from natural materials reflect sunshine and puts it back into the atmosphere; hence, making it easier to maintain household temperatures. If concrete roof tiles aren't in your budget, ask your roofing company to suggest asphalt shingles that are solar reflective. There's not a lot available on the market, but there are a few choices that could fall into your budget. Additionally, ask your roofing expert about residential energy credits that make it easier for homeowners to install concrete tiles.
Contact Your Local Roofers Today
When you're ready to install a new roof, contact experienced roofers to help you make the best choice for your home's structure and your budget. Contact Findley Roofing in Atlanta, GA, at (770) 516 - 5806 for a professional consultation.