Tornadoes can wreak havoc on your Cherokee home. That said, it's important that you prepare for the worst. The steps you take now to prevent damage will pay off down the line. After the storm rolls through, your roof will have largely withstood its powerful force. Most importantly, you'll have saved yourself a huge headache and tons of money.
The Secret to Success
The stronger your roof, the better off your home will be. You see, when a tornado blows through your neighborhood, it exerts a tremendous amount of inward pressure against any wall facing the wind. The same goes for the sidewalls and leeward wall, as they experience outward pressure. In addition, the roof receives upward pressure from the wind. All of these pressures combined will tear through any weak connections binding the roof to the walls.
To prevent against damage, experts recommend securing the home with hurricane clips. You can greatly increase the strength of your home's connections by hiring a roofing professional to connect the rafters or trusses to the top plate. This process can offer 300 to 1500 pounds of protection. Your home's walls will explode once the roof comes loose without the strength of these clips. Thus, without the clips, your entire house will experience significant damage.
In addition to adding on the clips, ensure that your roof is in good condition. Loose shingles and damaged flashing only become more vulnerable during high winds. Flying debris can damage shingles and penetrate underlayment. This can even compromise the structure of the home. If rain accompanies the tornadoes and if the storm damages your shingles, you'll also have to worry about water damage.
If you experience roof damage during a tornado, be sure to work with a roofing professional who can diagnose the structural damage as well as the superficial issues that need to be repaired. Findlay Roofing is happy to help ensure your roof remains tornado-ready. Give us a call today for a free consultation.
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